Listen as guests from all walks of life share where they have found inspiration, who has influenced them in their lives and what impact they hope to have on the lives of others. These stories not only connect and empower us, but inspire, influence and impact those around us, often more than we’ll ever know.

#20 Monique Maguire: The Impact of Martial Arts
Our guest this episode, Monique Maguire, shares how martial arts helped her build self-confidence and emotional resilience initially after experiencing trauma, but also through all life’s challenges. Her drive for competing is also matched by her passion for teaching and empowering others, and she is firm believer in building people up rather than stripping them down. Monique also discusses her mental health struggles, and how she hopes that by being vulnerable and open, she can inspire others.

#19 Paul Taylor: Transforming Teaching and Learning
Our guest this episode, Paul Taylor, shares his educational journey as a learner, leader and innovator, whose passion for creating a better world drives him to seek and implement transformative learning that empowers students, and educators, to be their best selves. He discusses how the two big questions, "Do I understand?" and "How do I do this well?" guide him as a learner and leader. Paul's belief in supporting staff to empower learners to take responsibility for the development of both their own character and academic growth and to contribute to a better world, drives his work as a leader.

#18 Laurie McIntosh: A Journey of Affirmation
Our guest this episode, Laurie McIntosh, shares the role affirmation has played in her journey as an educator. She talks of her belief that schools should be a place of connection, community and healing, and her hope to be a teacher who leaves a legacy and who her students tell their grandchildren about. Laurie is most excited about, and proud of, the fact that she is helping nurture students who are 'really good people' who dream and plan really big; as well as seeing and supporting teachers to know they are 'enough'.

#17 Ryan Persaud: Embracing Diversity
Our guest this episode, Ryan Persaud, shares his passion for diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice and how as a leader his goal is to collaboratively create a school community where all belong. He talks about his experiences in international schools and how he hopes to inspire others to be change makers, and to support those who don't have a voice to find theirs.

#16 Roman Nowak: The Journey of Hope
Our guest this episode, Roman Nowak, shares his broad educational journey to his mission to centre teaching around diversity, equity and social justice. He has connected with many educators around the world through passion for kindness and gratitude. Roman's vision to foster a sense of collective hope drives his choices around pedagogy, connection and meaningful work, and his desire to inspire others.
#15 Rachael McPhail: The Impact of One
Our guest this episode, Rachael McPhail, shares how her passion for social justice inspired the 'Place Names in Addresses' campaign to include traditional place names in addressing information in Australia. She discusses her mission to show that you don't need to be someone famous to start a social justice campaign, every single person has the ability to make changes that will help the world be a better, more inclusive place. Rachael hopes to inspire others to tune in to the voices of First Nations people who are making waves in their patch, so our minds will be constantly decolonising, or unlearning and relearning.

#14 Kath Murdoch: 'Wonder'-ful Impact
Our guest this episode, Kath Murdoch, shares her educator journey and the many experiences that led to her passion for inquiry-based learning. She talks about her joy of, and commitment to, classroom teaching, which drive her dedication to regular and ongoing work with students. Kath discusses her hope that her curiosity and hunger for learning are contagious, and that she inspires educators to discover the delight of sharing the learning journey with their students.

#13 Tonya Gilchrist: Professional Learning Equity
Our guest this episode, Tonya Gilchrist, shares her passion for working with schools to facilitate personalised professional learning that encompasses what we know about lasting learning for not only students, but also adult learners. She also talks about how the skill of translanguaging is a foundation of working in international schools, in addition to being a world skill. Tonya's mission is to provide opportunities for all teachers to connect and collaborate, and experience those joyful, energising opportunities.

#12 Beck Keough: Making Learning Stick
Our guest this episode, Beck Keough, shares her passion for making learning stick, through designing and delivering authentic learning experiences that motivate learners and permit them to make connections with real life context/experiences, and that also honour their voice. Beck's mission to find a balance between instructional models that meet the needs of all learners, drives her thirst for knowledge and desire to connect with, and learn from, others.

#11 Tara Martin: Life Is Inspiration
Our guest this episode, Tara Martin, shares how her life journey's experiences have inspired her to embrace a beginner's mindset, find her courage and challenge herself to grow. We explore how her passion for encouraging others to embrace their authentic selves, cannonball in and fulfill their true potential drives her mission to innovate, share ideas, influences and lessons learned and to inspire us to keep social-emotional learning at the heart of our work. Tara hopes to have an impact on the world by championing others and amplifying their achievements.

#10 Lisa Currie: Kindness Ripples
Our guest this episode, Lisa Currie, shares how she found inspiration through tragedy, and that carrying out intentional acts of kindness brought light back into her life, which led to a calling to serve and connect with others. She discusses her passion and mission to improve the lives of children in some way, and how creating kindness ripples has impacted her life, and how she hopes to positively impact the lives of others.

#9 Jessica Vance: Curious Questioning
Our guest this episode, Jessica Vance, shares her passion for student centered learning, collaboration, and coaching, which stems from the students themselves, as she finds inspiration in their natural curiosity as they authentically engage in learning experiences inside and outside of the classroom. Due to her strong belief in leading with a lens of inquiry, and through her open sharing, Jessica provides space for educators to collaborate and reflect, while supporting their professional growth as inquiry practitioners, as well as ways leaders need to support teachers.
#8 Dan Jackson: Effective Impact
Our guest this episode, Dan Jackson, shares his mission to enable teachers become more effective so that they can focus on preparing students for their future, and discusses his goal of shifting the mindset that busy equals effective, by helping to create a culture focusing on what is important and not just on being busy.

#7 Barbara Gruener: Connecting by Heart
Our guest this episode, Barbara Gruener, shares her mission for connecting by heart to make a world of difference, by helping elevate empathy, compassion and kindness in everyone she meets, while modeling what it means to stay centered by and rooted in gratitude, hope and love. Her passion for people is evident in her many acts of service during her 38 years in education, and in life.

#6 Stephanie Smith
Our guest this episode, Dr. Stephanie Smith, shares her passion for empowering our young people, and how she has embraced every change as a learning opportunity. Stephanie's diverse and rich experiences have not only shaped her passion and practice, but now inspire other educators to provide opportunities for learners to have their voices heard. Stephanie truly embodies the spirit and values of a life long learner.

#5 Craig Ladek: The Impact of Service
Our guest this episode, Craig Ladek, shares the impact of service on his life - the inspiration the service of others provided and how his own service has influenced his own and other's lives. He also opens up about his mental health challenges and experiences with PTSD. Craig is a role model for many, who has gone from serving our country to serving our community, and has impacted many lives along the way.

#4 Fi Morrison: STEM-spirational
Our guest this episode, Fi Morrison, is a passionate advocate for STEM and the Early Years, and was named the ICTENSW Young Educator of the Year for 2020. She is an inspirational role model for taking a risk and sharing your passions with the world. Fi's passion for STEM in the Early Years and engaging student's curiosities and imaginations is evident.

#3 Tamara Letter: Inspired by Kindness
Our guest this episode, Tamara Letter, shares where she finds inspiration to be a Kindness Cultivator, and how she aims to never miss an opportunity to show compassion, empathy and gratitude, intentionally starting each day with a kindness mindset. Tamara’s passion for kindness is inspiring. Her gift for showing love, compassion and gratitude is a lesson to us all.

#2 Trevor Mackenzie: Inspiring Inquiry
Our guest this episode, Trevor Mackenzie, shares the many sources of inspiration for his inquiry journey, and discusses his ‘big dream’ for all children. Trevor’s commitment to transforming education and his passion for student centred learning for children around the world is evident in all he says and does.

#1 Dave Burgess: Discover Wide
Our guest this episode, Dave Burgess, shares how he uses many sources to 'Discover Wide'. Dave is so inspirational and we are grateful he chose to share his manifesto, and that his influence continues as he encourages and empowers others, and amplifies their passions, stories and powerful work. We are thankful for the impact he has had on us, and the world.