Our Episode 13 guest, Tonya Gilchrist, shares her passion for working with schools to facilitate personalised professional learning that encompasses what we know about lasting learning for not only students, but also adult learners. She also talks about how the skill of translanguaging is a foundation of working in international schools, in addition to being a world skill. Tonya's mission is to provide opportunities for all teachers to connect and collaborate, and experience those joyful, energising opportunities. Tonya's Inspirational, Influential and Impactful recommendations.
People - Laura Robb and Evan Robb; Cornelius Minor; Nawal Casiano; Adam Grant; Inspire Citizens; Globally Reconnect
Books - Choice Words by Peter Johnston and Think Again by Adam Grant
Podcast - Recess Duty with Levi Allison
Cause - Direct Relief
Dream Travel Destination - Maldives
Connect with Tonya..
Twitter - @Mrs_Gilchrist
Instagram - @tonyagilchrist
Website / Blog - tonyagilchrist.com
Facebook Page - Tonya Gilchrist
Facebook Group - Tonya Gilchrist
LinkedIn - Tonya Gilchrist
Tonya Gilchrist is an international learning strategist who specializes in helping schools around the world amplify inquiry and honor agency for deep learning and transfer across languages, literacies, and disciplines. From Readers'/Writers' Workshop to Reggio to UDL to IB, Tonya works with schools to tailor professional learning just for their specific contexts and their unique needs. Previously, she enjoyed many years as an educator, instructional coach, and curriculum specialist.
If you missed one of our previous episodes, you can hear the inspiring, influential and impactful guests below (they are worth the listen!)
#4 - Fi Morrison: STEM-spirational
#5 - Craig Ladek: The Impact of Service
#6 - Dr, Stephanie Smith: Empowering Young People
#7 - Barbara Gruener: Connecting By Heart
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