Over the past few months, much of what we know has changed in such a way that we may never return to the comfort of that space again. There have been rolling waves of emotions as we’ve had to deal with previously unimagined challenges. We’ve often felt lost and adrift in a tumultuous sea, desperately trying to weather the storm around us.

However, in the face of the most uncertain times in recent history (and for many of us, the most uncertain times in our lives), there are several things I am certain of.
I am certain that kindness and empathy are needed more than ever. We need to find it within ourselves to ignore the possibly primal urge to be selfish, and instead intentionally nurture the ability to be selfless. It is through the coming together and caring for each other, that we will get through this.
I am certain that those who are working on the ‘front lines’ during this crisis, many who never expected they’d ever have to be, are everyday heroes.
Our health care professionals, who are facing this head on, who see the devastating impact of the virus, who are under-resourced and working day and night to provide quality care for their patients.
Our emergency service personnel, who encounter unknown challenges, increased pressure and are charged with allying the fears of the community.
Those in the retail and service industry, who are dealing with the panic, anger and unreasonable behaviour, who are being treated in appalling ways, and who are turning up to work and doing their job every day with a calm manner, patience and a smile.
Everyone who works in an education setting, who have worked tirelessly to ensure that children feel calm and secure, that parents are reassured their child is safe, and that learning in a variety of forms can continue, all despite fears for their own health and that of their family, despite feeling invisible and expendable to the government, and despite the additional, sometimes overwhelming, pressures that have been thrust on them.
I am certain that we should never again take for granted the little things scattered throughout our daily lives: a simple touch; hugs; chatting with a group of friends; going out for a meal or to a sporting event; going to the beach/park/gym; - all the interactions that foster and nurture human connection.
I am certain that my fellow educators will ‘turn up’, innovate, learn new skills, and continue to connect with, support, encourage and educate our students – because that is what we do, day in and day out, regardless of the circumstances.
I am certain that this too shall pass, that we will emerge from this season stronger, and that from this moment forward we will be more kind, considerate, and compassionate to our fellow humans.
