Our guest this episode, Paul Taylor, shares his educational journey as a learner, leader and innovator, whose passion for creating a better world drives him to seek and implement transformative learning that empowers students, and educators, to be their best selves. He discusses how the two big questions, "Do I understand?" and "How do I do this well?" guide him as a learner and leader. Paul's belief in supporting staff to empower learners to take responsibility for the development of both their own character and academic growth and to contribute to a better world, drives his work as a leader.
Paul's inspirational, influential and impactful recommendations:
People - Educators outside your own school who do things that you want to know more about
Book - An Ethic of Excellence by Ron Berger
Podcast - John Hattie
Cause - Domestic Violence; Ration Challenge: Raising Funds for Refugees
Dream Travel Destination - Switzerland
Connect with Paul:
Banora Point Primary School - 07 5524 1444
Twitter - @pdtaylor73 @i_on_the_Future
Deeper Learning - deeperlearning.com.au

If you missed one of our previous episodes, you can hear the inspiring, influential and impactful guests below (they are worth the listen!)
#4 - Fi Morrison: STEM-spirational
#5 - Craig Ladek: The Impact of Service
#6 - Dr, Stephanie Smith: Empowering Young People
#7 - Barbara Gruener: Connecting By Heart
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